There’s few things in life that The Gays love more than a pool party, and know that. Thats why, just over a month ago now, hosted one…with a twist.

Working with porn legend Trenton Ducati, brought Provincetown to its feet with an event featuring an infinity pool, phenomenal DJs, and go-go dancers and models decked out in merch.

Sunshine, drinks squirting into mouths and dancing on the pool deck: made all the better with, the best place to meet guys who are serious about hooking up! On August 15, sponsored an event in Provincetown with that left the gays begging for more. In the middle of a bright Provincetown weekend, the legendary hookup site, in its 22nd year, brought crowds to the pool at the Brass Key Guesthouse, a boutique hotel in the center of the action.

A huge success for the Brass Key and Provincetown visitors alike, the event completely sold out, with over 1,000 attendees dancing, celebrating and finding new hookups. also collaborated to create the sweet combo of marshmallow vodka and pineapple juice deemed the “Squirt Shot” with the Brass Key Guesthouse. The shots were flowing into every attendee’s mouth from our models sporting swimwear, hanging over balconies and beckoning on the party.

The event was truly a homepage brought to life, and the Brass Key was the ideal place for getting together and reveling in the Provincetown sun. If there were guys that weren’t on yet, they could easily sign up, access our mobile site right from their browser and keep chatting all night.

Like a top and bottom that are meant for each other, was the perfect fit for this sexy poolside event. Plus, they worked with Sponsor Hub Plus to partner with the event. Trenton Ducati, co-founder of Sponsor Hub Plus says “We were delighted to have as a sponsor for this event! Their values are exactly what we were looking for, sex positive and fun! The pool party sold out in record time this year and attendee’s loved drinking the “Squirt Shots” from the hunky bartenders. Working with the team was incredible, we are looking forward to collaborating with them at many more events in the future.”

The rainbow flags, speedos and drinks kept floating from’s party central, where every guy could find someone to connect with.

What’s more is that they’re looking forward to the next event at the Brass Key, and they’re planning to keep partnering on more events in the future, so keep an eye out!


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